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The winner of WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award 2003 on the theme Sustainable Building Design was the engineer Wolfgang Feist together with architect Hans Eek.

Hans Eek and Wolfgang Feist have been awarded the prize for their pioneering work with so-called passive houses, in particular, residential buildings without heating systems, designed and constructed using an elegant and innovative synthesis of simple, time-tested and cost-effective technology. The technology, which requires great precision in methods and the building process, will, in a branch that has, up to now, been conservative, contribute to a major reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels in particular and thereby reduce society’s emission of carbon dioxide, which impacts our climate. The recipients meet the prize’s criteria for resource efficiency, eco-cycle thinking and process-steering
innovation, locally as well as globally.

 Wolfgang Feist first worked at the Institut fur Wohnen und Umwelt and later founded the Passivhaus Institut, PHI. During the years 1998-2002 Feist was the scientific director of the now completed EU project Cepheus, initiated together with Hans Eek, among others, to promote the passive house project, not only in Sweden and Germany but also in Austria, Switzerland, and France.


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